Uranium -IRC Client version 0.12 ReadMe.txt --------------------------------------- !!! THIS VERSION (0.12) IS INTENTED FOR PYTHON DEVELOPERS. !!! End users may find it annoying (at this stage of development) ;) !!! --------------------------------------- NOTICE: If you don't want to see ugly DEBUG-messages in client, just turn off debug output from config.txt or by typing /set showdebug 0 in client. LIMITATIONS OF THIS VERSION --------------------------- Currently there is an issue of client not being able to join IRCnet servers. Only servers with UnrealIRC -server software has been tested to work. You also have to have Python interper and wxPython installed on your machine, to get this work. Scrolling of child windows is annoying, it's wxWidgets issue, i'm looking fix for it. TreeView doesn't work yet too well. This version contains also few other bugs, but i'm fixing them. If you thing you can help me, check out "Helping" and "Contact" -section. Client Commands --------------- /server host port Connects to irc-server /join #channel Joins to a channel /topic #channel This is the new topic! Sets channel's topic /op #channel User1 User2 Gives operator privileges /deop #channel User1 User2 Takes away operatar privileges /voice #channel User1 User2 Gives voices /devoice #channel User1 User2 Takes away voices /config Shows config /set param value Sets param to value other commands can be found from ServerWindow.py Requirements ------------ Microsoft Windows operating system Python software ( get it from http://python.org/download/ ) ( http://python.org/ftp/python/2.3.3/Python-2.3.3.exe ) wxPython software (ANSI version) ( http://www.wxpython.org/ ) ( http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/wxpython/wxPythonWIN32- ) Helping ------- I'm needing help with py2exe. I build an exe file with py2exe, but it wouldn't start running (it didn't event get any errors). (I also tried to build exe from BitTorrent client, but it had same problem). Py2exe wxWidgets example files worket great. If you can make py2exe setup script (and propably modify Uranium source code) that works, it would be great. If you can help working with problem concerning connecting to IRCnet server (ping timeout error), it would be great too. Connecting to IRCnet servers worket great before i switched from normal Python socket-functions to asyncore-library. If you know how to fix the "scrolling of child windows" -bug, it would be great. If you can help me with any of these problems, contact me. Contact ------- You can contact me by writing e-mail to: jounih at users.sourceforge.net Jouni Hertell Check out Uranium -IRC Client homepage at: http://uranium-irc.sourceforge.net/ "Tutorial" ---------- Start UraniumIRC by clicking UraniumIRC.py or by writing "python.exe UraniumIRC.py". Click File->New Server Window In small textbox write: /server bones.wa.us.zirc.org 6667 after a while you should be connected to that server. if server complains about nickname in use, you can try to change you nick by typing: (you can also change your nick before launching program by editing config.txt) /nick newnick Now you can try to join to a channel, write: /join #testchannel If you are first user there, you should get operator privileges. If you get operator privileges, you can try to change topic of that channel by typing: /topic #testchannel This is the new cool topic! Now you can test different commands. Uranium IRC will propably bug if you try to close channel-window one by one, so quit to whole program.